Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The World of Web 2.0 TWITTER

The above Slideshare is about why Twitter is useful to Educators.

To view the above Slideshare in Full Screen mode, simply click the bottom right hand corner "Slide Screen" icon. To get back to normal size and return to this blog, press the Escape key at any time.

For me, I get enough new information each day, simply by “Googling”, belonging to a couple of knowledge-sharing communities, and following various special interest Blogs. My information needs are asynchronous, and I do not need the “up to the moment” information supplied by the likes of Twitter. In fact Twitter would simply be information overload for me: (four different email accounts to check each day is more than enough) !

But for those who want to set up an account and try out Twitter, then the link below to the wiki written by Sue Waters, supplies an excellent and quite comprehensive set of instructions:


The following Slideshare supplies some possible classroom uses for Twitter.

To view the above Slideshare in Full Screen mode, simply click the bottom right hand corner "Slide Screen" icon. To get back to normal size and return to this blog, press the Escape key at any time.

Students might be engaged while using Twitter, (since so many of them are “communication junkies”), but my concern would be whether they would stay on-task, or just drift off into the idle gossip and chit chat of "Twitter Land".

Personally I do not have the time or inclination to use Twitter at all, but perhaps the new shorthand version “Flutter” will be better suited to my needs:

- Yes I am definitely a Flutter kind of guy !

And finally, here is a video by the very funny Lisa Nova, for those who do not particularly like the idea of Twitter, (or possibly for anyone with a sense of humour as twisted as mine).

Don’t be alarmed by the title, there is no mention of prostitution, and the two minute clip is fundamentally “child safe”.

Big Passy Wasabi

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