The above image is a screenshot from an exciting online Integers Game called "Number Balls".
This lesson contains plenty of online Integer games.
Use these games for practicing your skills with Integers.
For each game an image is shown that describes the game.
You can then click either this image, or the text link below the image, to play the game in a new browser window.
Many of these games are written in Adobe Flash and Java. Therefore they may not work on Apple devices.
Ordering Integers Number Balls
In this game we click the lowest Integer balls first, and keep clicking balls until they all are zapped.
We then progress to higher game levels that have more and more spinning balls for us to click on in the correct order.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Ordering Integers Hats Game
In this game we click and drag with the mouse to put the number hats onto people in lowest to highest number order.
We then click on the "check" button when we are finished, and can use the right arrow to get another question to do.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Ordering Integers Space Race
This is a Space Invaders type game where we have to shoot the lowest Integer enemy ship, as well as avoid touching the other two enemy ships.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move, and the space bar to shoot.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Ordering Integers Train Game
In the following game, use the mouse to put the three red Integer numbers in order onto the carriages and the train engine.
The biggest number always goes onto the steam engine.
It is very important to place the numbers exactly in the middle of the carriages and engine like this:

Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.
Note that you will probably have to page down the screen a bit to get to the actual game.

Adding Integers Spider Match
This fun game helps us learn how to add Integers.
Click on a pair of numbered flies that add up to the required value in the center of the web and your spider should then eat them and give you a score.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Adding Integers Orbit Integers
This is a fun space race, where we have to answer Integer addition questions correctly to power our spaceship.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Integer Warp Multiplying Game
This is a similar game to Orbit Integers, but has multiplying questions instead of addition.
We need to know our multiplying rules which are:
- x - = a Positive answer (Same Sign = Positive answer)
+ x - = a Negative answer (Different signs = Negative answer)
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Minus Mission (The Slime Game)
This is not an Integers game, but is still fun, especially if we play it at the fast speed setting. It will certainly sharpen up your subtraction skills.
Click on the image below, or the text link which follows, to play this game.

Inequalities True False Game
In this game we drag each statement with the mouse and place it in the top of screen True or False box.
The game keeps score of our answers, and will not let an incorrect answer be placed into the wrong box.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Add and Subtract Mystery Picture
In this game we find out what's behind the tiles, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle.
Click on the button with the problem then click on the result on the left.
If we are correct, part of the picture is revealed.

Integer Operations Jeopardy Game
This game covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division sums.
You can play it alone or in teams.
To take our turn, we click on a points score box to get a question to do in the given category.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

American Football Adding Integers Game
This fun game helps us learn how to add Integers.
A loss of years means a negative number, and a gain in yards means a positive number.
We click the mouse at the correct position on the number line to show the result of each world problem.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Line Jumper Adding and Subtracting Integers Game
In this game we are shown a number line.
We then click on the number line at the correct answer.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Walk The Plank Adding and Subtracting Integers Game
In this game we have to move our mouse over each of the Pirates, and they will each say a different answer.
We then click on the Pirate answer which we believe is the correct one.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Subtracting Integers Car Racing Game
This game starts off with us using the left and right arrow keys to drive our car in a race, and then after a little while we have to stop and do an Integer Subtraction question.
If we get the question right, we get bonus items like a rocket booster pack to fly our car for a while, until the next question comes.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Subtracting Integers Fish Game
In this fun game we have to click the letter that is the correct answer, before the fish swims to this correct answer.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Subtracting Integers Speed Test
This is more of an online speed test than a game.
However, it will certainly improve your Integer Subtraction skills.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Subtracting Integers Online Quiz
This online test will check how well we know our Integer Subtracting.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Integer Operations Stick Figure Battle
This game has levels that can be chosen at the start of the game and covers Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Integers.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Multiplying and Dividing Integers Game
This is a kind of deal or no deal game quiz on multiplying and dividing integers.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Connect Four Game Using Integer Operations
At the start of this game we can choose what we want to include including addition, subtraction, multiplying, etc as well as the difficulty level.
Click the "Ready" button to get your question and start each move, and the "Answer" button to check each answer.
It is basically Connect Four against an opponent, and we need to get questions correct to drop our colored discs into the connect four.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Moving Along Number Line Game
Move the helicopter to the same level as the pod to be able to shoot and destroy it.
It is a little bit tricky in that you click the sign button, then enter a number, then click Go.
Click on the image below, or the link which follows, to play this game.

Hope you have fun improving your Integer Skills with this awesome collection of games.
Related Items
Introduction to Integers
Integers in the Real World
Integers in Drag Racing
Arranging Integers in Order
Adding Integers Using Number Lines
Adding Integers Using Zero Pairs
Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
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